Join The Dad’s List Online Community

This is an online community of men and women who have similar core values to us at The Dad’s List. This community recognizes the need to empower the role of Dad. So, join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter! Subscribe here on for promotional discounts on our apparel and other periodic perks.

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“Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to see it evolve from step-dad to dad. I have been blessed with the size of this kid’s heart, too. His father is not in the picture at all, and there are moments I struggle to decide what the best course of action is.”

— Edwin R.



“Since their births, each of them has transformed before my eyes at a rapid clip. Nature is rife and it demands constant change even at my sons’ young ages. I am loving every minute of it, but I want to slow down to enjoy every second.”

— James W.



“The real struggle, however, is trying to find the balance between withholding and giving, and letting the process take its course in their lives. By me withholding things, it doesn’t make them better necessarily, nor does me giving them things without a filter makes a difference.”

— Damien W.


Join The Dad’s List Online Community

This is an online community of men and women who have similar core values to us at The Dad’s List. This community recognizes the need to empower the role of Dad. So, join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter! Subscribe here on for promotional discounts on our apparel and other periodic perks.